Don't live in the past. It was supossed to be forever, well forever never lasts.

The tough thing about following you heart is that people forget to mention that sometimes the heart takes you to places you shouldn't be. Places that are scary as they are exciting and as dangerous as they are alluring. Sometimes your heart cannot take you to places that lead to happy ending. That's not even the difficult part; the difficult part is when you follow your heart, you leave normal; you go into the unknown and once you do you can never go back.

"Cinderella walked on broken glass, Sleeping beauty let a whole lifetime pass, Belle fell in love with a hideous beast, Pocahontas risked her life for a feast, Jasmine could have had anyone, instead she chose a poor man, And Arial walked on land all for love, all for life. It was all about blood, sweat and tears, loves about facing your biggest fears."

"You know what? I will wait for My Prince Charming."-Adda Hassan