Her :)

She is the beauty of a bird lost in the wind - at once, my savior, and the one I would give anything to bring back to innocence.   I am in love - and the feelings are new and raw and painful and warm so, so warm. She is the beauty of the gently falling rain. She is the tempest in the dark sea of my heart. My soul is falling like the first snow of winter and the shattered glass of lonely and haunted windows lies scattered at her feet. I am reborn. Tonight, the moon dances, brilliant and mad,  memories of summer and fields of sunflowers playing like silent movies in her mind. My music box whispers a long forgotten lullaby. ~ I drown in the sunset of her eyes and let the tears come. ~ Oh, sweet song of the morning, baptize me in the cradle of your arms. Hold me in still waters beneath the ancient willow tree. I love you. I was almost pretty, as I sat unnoticed in the park watching clouds move across the sky.  And now, by your grace, I am beautiful. Like a candle, I burn with unspoken longing and bow my head in prayer.

 "Everyone wants to be the sun that lights up your life. But I'd rather be your moon, so I can shine on you during your darkest hour when your sun isn't around." :')